If you have tried to call me in the past few days and not got a hold of me.... I apologize. Things have been a little crazy around here. Jack has been gone 13 weeks. I am feeling a little overwhelmed to say the least. Lisa had a CT Scan Tuesday. Baby Jack had surgery Thursday. I've had physical therapy. The sheer volume of doctor's appointments alone could drive someone over the edge. We've also had our normal appointments- ballet, swim, school, etc. And some that we have just missed- gym class and holy hour. Things have been hectic. I will be calling you all back. Promise.
In weight-loss news.... I am extremely nervous about my weigh in tomorrow. As I mentioned in a previous post or two, I indulged myself earlier in the week. I've been drinking a lot of water and sticking to my diet this last part of the week. But alas, I know how this works. The scale should be up tomorrow. I just don't know how much. However, I am prepared to deal w/ it. My Mother's ham was delicious. I ate it. I am moving on.
I'll be in touch! Peace and good night!