Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A need for speed

I feel a little better today. Not so depresso. I just finished a run on my treadmill. I did speed work again, like I did Sunday. I really enjoy doing this. It feels so good. I wear my heart rate monitor so I can see my rate go up and down. Heart rate intervals are key for faster weight loss. I am planning on getting 3 of these runs in this week. The only thing that bothers me is, of course, my right leg. When I speed up there is this little catch behind my knee at the base of my hamstring. Hmmm. When I asked my doctor about it he said my hamstring was "waking up". Well, good morning. He said that it is adjusting to functioning properly. Now that my hips are in the right place and my IT band is not strained my hamstring will be working the way it is supposed to. Anyway, this must all seem so tedious to others but it is all I think about these days. I have to get the rest of this ridiculous weight off!

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