Saturday, November 22, 2008

Moving Along

This is a picture of my living room in North Carolina.  Yes- we are here.  No- I can't find my sons dress shoes for Mass in the morning.  I am so happy to be here.  It is beautiful and the neighbors are great!  We've been unpacking and organizing for 2 days.  I've been a little overwhelmed at times but for the most part it has been fun.  I have not run or ate anything but chips and salsa and oatmeal cookies for 24 hours.  Geesh!  I'm okay w/ it though... I've got a lot to do around here.  I am exhausted- more later.  Peace.


Dennis said...


The house looks beautiful. Salsa and cookies I love the diet!!!!!



Anonymous said...

I am so happy you are here!! I am adding you and Jack to the medical forms tomorrow, as now you are the closest to us!!! 3 hours is a breeze!! Loce ya and can't wait to see you and the kids!

Grace said...

can't wait to visit in january! send more pics!