Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My 30th B-Day

Today was a good day for turning 30 and all.  Jack let me sleep in and had an egg sandwich ready for me when I woke up.  Yummy!  I took the kiddos to the library.  Then I took a nap w/ them.  When I got up I went on a 4 mile walk which felt super good.  It was high 80's today and I got some sun which I totally needed.  This evening my brother-in-law came over and watched the children so Jack and I could go out to dinner.  Can you say- La Fiesta?!!  We had a nice relaxing dinner and then did a little shopping.  I am glad to be passed today.  It was not bad.  In fact I only had one drink!  (See pic below.)  But it is always good to have these big milestones behind you.  Here are some pics from the evening.  Unfortunately, Baby Jack was already in bed.  Thanks to everyone who has called or texted me today.  My phone has been ringing off the hook!  Hope you all had a great day.  I sure did!  Peace out!

1 comment:

Tara said...

Sounds like the perfect gateway into the 30's. Nothing can beat shopping and mexican.